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October, 2016 - Scientists from the Vesalius Research Center at KU Leuven in Belgium have published "Tumor hypoxia causes DNA hypermethylation by reducing TET activity" in Nature which describes the use of Wisgene's TABseq kit; the article is accessible here.

September, 2015  In order to further improve the accuracy of TAB-Seq, please read the important note regarding our TAP-Seq kits here.


March, 2014 TAB-Seq has been applied to study 5hmC in the brains of humans, non-human primates, and mice using Illumina 450 DNA methylation array.  The article can be downloaded here


Feb 1st, 2014 Recently, researchers have rediscovered a mostly ignored epigenetic variant that results when a methyl group on a cytosine takes on a hydroxyl group to form 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC). As interest in 5hmC has surged, researchers have developed approaches for mapping its areas of enrichment across the genome and, most recently, determining its location at single-base resolution.The Scientist profiles some of those methods here.


Recent News 2013 - Recent news of 5hmC sequencing and Wisegene in 2013

May 17th, 2012 - Now, a team of scientists from the University of Chicago, the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of California, San Diego and Emory University has developed and tested a technique to reveal unseen information in DNA code. The results are published in the May 17 issue of the journal Cell.​​



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