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Recent news of 5hmC sequencing & Wisegene in 2013

Aug. 9, 2013 – TAB-Seq was applied to reveal DNA modification during mammalian brain development as shown by an Article in Science:

“Global epigenomic reconfiguration during mammalian brain development.” Science, 2013, 341, 629.


May 9, 2013 - TAB-Seq was used in a recent study published in Cell:

Sperm, but not oocyte, DNA methylome is inherited by zebrafish early embryos. Cell, 2013, 153, 773-784.


April 25th, 2013 - Professor He's laboratory at the University of Chicago just published new methods for 5fC sequencing in Cell:

"Genome-wide profiling of 5-formylcytosine reveals its roles in epigenetic priming." Cell, 2013, 153, 678-691.


February 26, 2013 – Professor He’s laboratory at the University of Chicago developed a new method for 5mC labeling and profiling. See:

“Tet-mediated covalent labelling of 5-methylcytosine for its genome-wide detection and sequencing.” Nat. Commun. 2013, 4, 1517


December, 2012 - WiseGene forms partnership with Pacific Biosciences on the kit developed for Pac Bio instrument (


Wisegene LLC. Registered in the State of Illinois

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